On we're only one paragraph in.
So instead, as I sit rugged up in twenty layers looking like a very unattractive Ms Michelin Man, I'll journey back and with my raw creative talent and knack for descriptive adjectives, I'll take you someplace nice.
The story I'm about to tell actually begun 10 months ago, in August of 2013, in a place far away from where I sit right now. The place was Boston, glorious New England in the fall, the timing was sporadic but the memories unforgettable. (I bet you know see what I mean about the weather analogy, yes?) Once upon a time four lost souls gathered from different sides of the world, all so ignorantly naive, so delightfully innocent, to what America had in store for them.
And what did in fact prelude was a whirlwind of American and Canadian adventures. Perhaps many of you are familiar with the tales of treachery; jumping out of windows, running from the police, the infamous fraternity partying, our college league sports, the 'attempts' to gym, the shopping, the traveling, the pits of homesickness and despair in which we could only rely on each other. The emotional crises of our exchange semester when we in fact realised, the the Freshman 15 (gaining 15 pounds in your first semester at college) had proven true were never experienced alone, nor were the euphoric times of passing finals and doing our best to maintain sanity whilst we struggled through acclimatising to the reality of American culture. We experienced true love in the form of BHOP, American candy, and - they'll deny it, but Bud Light.
But in the words of my old pal Chaucer, all good things must come to an end, and when the callings of the world forced us to go our seperate ways, we promised it wouldn't be goodbye.
So actually I'm still deceiving you, because technically this story begins in the future #sorrynotsorry. Months after departing the shores of America we all packed our bags and sailed back to our respective countries. And it is now, in the coming months that I am thrilled to announce that a reunion is in place.
Lel, 'thrilled to announce'. Like I'm opening the premier of a movie or something. I re-read that, thought about deleting it, but then instead decided to explain how ridic it sounded and then leave it in after all. i do that a lot. You've missed me, haven't you. I know you have. Actually, special shoutout to the faithful blog reader of my American Adventures who still to this day keeps checking the blog to see if a final post has appeared. Feelin' the love. You know who you are.
Anywho, the point is that I will be traveling again very soon, to fly to continents still undiscovered to me, to meet the trio of trouble to embark on more global gallivanting, giggling, and, if past experiences are anything to go by, what I know will be an enormous amount of fun.
I sort of like to think that the reunion between all of us will be a movie-worthy plot line; it would be classed as a comedy (obviously - I'm in it) and will entail its fair share of drama. There would probably be a terrible conflict revealed in the middle of it - perhaps a secret form college is unearthed, or something that connects all of them to their past is revealed...and it will be absolutely SCANDALOUS and get close to tearing is apart. then the climax would follow, an edge-of-your-seat bit where YOU JUST DON'T KNOW IF THINGS ARE GOING TO BE OK. But in the end true friendship prevails (obvi) and it all works out. I'd obviously be the protagonist, the voice of reason and the character that captures the hearts of her viewers with her gentle nature and sheer beauty.
The movie would feature lots of bust street scenes, and a fair few classic running-towards-the-water-with-the-wind-in-our-hair-scenes, and lots of dramatic music.
Anywho, regardless of all this nonsense, I am aware that word on the street says that this girl's blogging days are over and I am fully aware of the public outcry in reaction to this. So the good news, in a nutshell, is this;
1. Because I can't help myself I'm packing and heading off for more adventures very soon.
2. Blogging is back on the table - and I will be documenting the stories that are appropriate to tell live from the crime scenes.
3. I'm also writing for an online travel journal by the name of Travel Generation these days, so they'll be some nail-biting stories to get ya teeth into there. But here I'll be posting the stories that are deemed too politically incorrect (sorry dad)/inappropriate (sorry mum)/saucy (not even sorry) or may lead to the journal publishing and distributing material that the world may not yet be ready to read.
4. That's all I can think of atm, so stay tuned kids, cause I'm hella excited about writing again, but be warned, this time round will include a lot of #sorrynotsorry, kool spelt with a k and my vague and seemingly pointless perceptions of the world around me, that I continue to discover daily.
Actually no, since we're doing the list-thing, I've made an Asia To Do List;
1. Photobomb at least 10 photos
2. Eat some weird insects
3. Learn to use chopsticks
4. Imitate Annie's ridic accent on a daily basis
5. Laugh at Australian bogans abroad
6. Avoid dying behind the wheel with Zach driving
7. Avoid getting rabies/tropical-induced illness (didn't get any shots done because I like to live dangerously)
8. Attend a political riot in Thailand
9. Go skinny dipping
10. Don't lose passport
11. Avoid drinking methylated spirits in replacement for booze
12. Take a selfie a day
13. Don't lose my goddamn backpack
And yes, upon reflection I am aware that most of the items on that list relate to my general lack of common sense and ability to make sensible decisions. Not even stuff I should do/see/experience.
Don't judge me, ok.
It will, as always, contain a lot of whinging, my continual frustration with air travel these days and horror stories from hostels that will probably ensure you'll never leave your bedroom again.
Also, p.s; the blog title is taken from a fantastic local Asian restaurant on Mass Ave in Boston...it has special significance for all four of us...many evenings were spent there throughout our semester. We had our first and last dinner together at Ginger Exchange. I hope the girls remember it and the times we shared as fondly as I do.
But aside from all the rambling and sentimentality - Asia Ahoy.
See you on the dark side of the moon, kids.