Tuesday 15 July 2014

Penang in Photos

They say travel broadens the mind, and that’s a fair dinkum saying. But for me it’s more than that. It’s the feeling when you feel an expedition coming on...when you begin to look at maps with the narcotic tingle of possibility, when you let your mind wander to the faintest idea of ‘what if…?’

You have to leave your city of comfort and go into lands unknown of your own intuition. They say that when you take a walk in the woods you come out taller than the trees. Travel is exciting, frightening, and above all - exhilarating.

Through my blog I hope to show you small tidbits of what I experience; I hope to seduce you, entice you, and to inspire you. Traveling the world leaves you speechless – but then turns you into a storyteller.

You are small, the world is big. Travel is rebellion in its purest form.

Penang in photos.


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